How to Have Self-Discipline

August 2, 2021
How to Have Self-Discipline

Self-discipline, or willpower, is the ability to resist temptation and do what one knows is right. Simple as that.

Oftentimes, people feel they lack this skill because they give in to their impulses. Once they notice this tendency, they try to “relieve the pressure” and let themselves give in to temptation and thus begin a vicious cycle. Many then lose all hope of ever-changing their behavior.

The truth is that most people lack self-discipline because they don't know how to use it. Many look for the cure in willpower. I am here to tell you that it does not exist. A quick "hack" to that suddenly makes you the most freaking productive person in the world does not exist. What exists is a series of small improvements you can put to practice every day. I'm talking about the 1% jumps and 1% improvements you do each day or week or month or year that make you a better person.

But first, let's start by understanding what self-discipline is.

What is self-discipline?

Self-discipline is the ability to control oneself and one's behavior. It is a skill that can be developed and strengthened with practice (pay extra attention to this word).

A person with self-discipline can set and achieve personal goals, such as exercising regularly, eating healthy, and being more productive. Self-discipline is a virtue that enables a person to reach his or her goals and improve the quality of life. And most importantly: it is a skill that can be developed and strengthened with practice.

What are the benefits of being a disciplined person?

Self-discipline can help you achieve your goals in life.

By having self-discipline, you will be able to set clear goals and make plans to reach them. You will be able to set reasonable limits on your time, energy, and other resources. In addition, you will be able to control your emotions and think before acting.

Here're some benefits that might make spark some interest.

  • Develops self-reliance.
  • Improves personal confidence.
  • Provides greater control over your life.
  • Builds trust and integrity.
  • Helps to handle adversity.
  • Makes you feel accomplished.

How do I become a more disciplined person?

If you want to become a more disciplined person, there are a few steps that you can take to get started.

The first thing you can do is set up some goals for yourself and then work on achieving them one at a time. You can start by simply listing the top 3 things you have to do tomorrow, and tackle one at a time. Don't stop until you've finished. Close your email client and put your phone on silence if you need. Decide to not getting up from the chair until you've finished the first top task you said you would do.

Additionally, you can make a list of your values and obligations and then rank them in order of importance. You can then work on the things at the top of the list and start to cut out those things that don't matter as much to you. It may also be helpful to identify your sources of motivation and create a plan for how you can use them for self-discipline.

You need to think about what you want to accomplish and then decide how you are going to do it.

5 steps of the most self-disciplined people.

Self-discipline is not a trait that many people are born with.

It's a skill that must be practiced and honed over time. To develop self-discipline, it's important to have a plan that you can follow. Here are 5 steps that can get you started. Again, focus on only one at a time.

1. Create a routine that excites you.

Commence the day with a win.

Catch a buzz in the morning. For most people, it's hard to peel oneself from the sheets in the morning. The trick is to provide oneself with a compelling incentive to get out of bed.

What puts a spring in your step? A steaming cup of coffee and pancakes in the morning, or finishing a book at night? Whatever it is, you're already 1-0.

2. Set goals that are challenging and exciting.

"Work for my boss" is not an exciting goal.

You need to be very specific about the goals you choose for that day. Disciplined people know that if a goal is too vague it’s not likely to be achieved. The more specific goals they add to their to-do list are, the more likely they are to accomplish them.

Knowing what you want can make it easier to keep your focus and find your way to your destination.

3. Make a plan for how you will accomplish these goals.

Guess what: the "get rich" item in your life's to-do list is not a goal. Is just a dream.

You need to think about your goals and think about how you can achieve them. A goal without a plan is just a dream. For instance, if "start running" is one of your daily goals, write down where are you going to run, at what time, what days of the week, what clothes will you wear, everything.

4. Follow through on your plan.

I'll be honest: if you're thinking of relying upon "motivation" to get through your goals, you're screwed.

Motivation is great, but it can only go so far. If you're not following through, your motivation will disappear, and you'll be back to square on one. That's what happens with our new-year resolutions: we rely on motivation and motivation is gone by the second week of the year. And then we forget about our goals list.

Instead of motivation, use systems. Create a series of steps in your mind and don't try to think about it, just do it. If you decided to run each day at 7 a.m, you run at 7 hear your alarm clock and immediately laces your shoes, put on your jogging clothes and leave. Even if you're sleepy, even if you're tired you leave your house and start running. Not because you want to, but because it's in your "morning run" system.

You have a job to do. You get paid for this (with a short or long-term reward). It's time to do it.

5. Reward yourself for following through with your plan.

We are not robots, so get yourself a treat as a reward, ok?

I'm serious. I mean, avoid just pure junk if you can, but get yourself something small, something nice each time you accomplish a relevant goal in your week or month or life. As a reward for starting to work earlier and delivering your project before the deadline, leave earlier and go to your favorite coffee shop for a treat.

You can reward yourself for something as simple as putting on a fancy dress or spending a few bucks on your new pair of shoes. When you treat yourself to things that you love, it makes life much more exciting and much more rewarding for you (and much more likely for you to keep following through with your goals).

Nobody is disciplined all the time.

Many people struggle with self-discipline. To have self-discipline, it is necessary to make a plan and stick to it. It's important to define what is and is not a priority to stay focused.

But in the end, we're just humans. Nobody is 100% focused or 100% disciplined all the time. We're all humans with emotions and we can all make mistakes. We all have flaws that cause us to fall short sometimes. And if we don't give ourselves some grace when this happens, then we set ourselves up for future failure. You know, not making the most of a situation because you're too hard on yourself.

Consistency is key.

Our daily habits are what define us.

Consistency is important because it helps establish a pattern. In your case, the pattern of following through with your goals.

Self-discipline is a skill that can be developed, but it takes a lot of work. There are many ways to do this, but these are the best ones. To start with, know what you want and set goals. Next, write down your goals for a few days and make sure you have them memorized. You can also create a new environment that will keep you on track. That includes avoiding people who drag you away from your goals.

Consistency is the most important factor for success. If you want something, then go get it! Successful people know this and take action to achieve their goals every day.

In the end, you'll see it's 100% worth it.
